Your Practical Guide to: Quality Assuring PLD

Better quality professional learning and development (PLD) leads to better outcomes.

School leaders and teachers must make informed decisions to invest in professional learning and development that is tailored to schools and teachers’ needs and is evidence-based, ensuring money is well spent. But where does one start?

This guide aims to help you feel confident when faced with investigating external providers, by helping you to know what effective PLD looks like, how to quality assure the professional development on offer and measure the impact it has on your students, staff and school.

Why you should download this practical free guide:


  • Includes information on what makes effective PLD in education.
  • Gives advice on selecting the right professional development for your school.
  • Lays out how to choose the best PLD provider and resource for your needs.
  • Demonstrates how to measure the success of PLD.
Your Practical Guide to: Quality Assuring PLD

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