Written by Christophe Mullings
Refining teachers’ skills and practice through continuing professional learning and development (PLD) is a key factor in any school’s success. So, cultivating a positive culture around professional development is essential, but it can be complex.
Here are 10 easy ways to help your school develop a culture where improvements in teaching and learning can thrive.
1. Think about classroom culture
As a school, take some time to consider the culture that you want to see in classrooms and how your PLD culture can reflect this. For example, if schools want to nurture a culture based on Growth Mindset then arguably teachers need to embrace this concept too.
2. Create a common, learner-focused vision
Think carefully about the way in which your students’ needs are identified and consider involving all teachers in gathering this information. Referring to data and using tools, such as video, can help with this. Whatever your approach, clear communication about the process and vision is key.
3. Build, gain and sustain momentum through a systematic approach
Work back from your desired goals and plan accordingly. If developing Growth Mindset is your aim for example, then ask: What do we need to know? How will teaching have to change? Which professional development activities will support this? How will we know if our changes are effective? How can we refine our work?
4. Create small, collaborative learning project groups
Schools tend to be hierarchical, but for project teams to be most effective, established hierarchies might need to be left at the door. The most suitable project lead is not necessarily the most senior. Whoever leads, they need to be empowered with the full support of your leadership team and have time to get things done.
5. Establish norms for positive professional dialogue
Build trust, openness, and tolerance. Embrace differences of opinion; focus on the teaching rather than the teacher, the learning rather than the learners. Video can be a great way of initiating teacher-led professional dialogue and collective analysis of teaching and learning underpinned by respect for all involved.
6. Focus on real practice rather than best
A culture focused on the dissemination of ‘best practice’ can lead to a directed, top-down approach where teachers are told what good practice is. For a truly collaborative professional learning culture, everyone needs to feel they have something to learn and something to contribute. Teachers should be actively involved in interpreting and constructing knowledge rather than being expected to accept and enact ideas dictated to them by others.
7. Reduce risk and anxiety
It’s important to understand people’s concerns and meet them where they are. Video is a powerful tool for becoming more reflective about teaching and learning. Creating a video club for a small group of teachers using existing classroom footage for collective reflection can encourage reflective practice in a non-threatening, non-judgmental environment.
8. Underpin PLD and dialogue with evidence and expertise
To be relevant and effective, dialogue must be driven by evidence from the classroom and academic research. Expert input can be important for gaining critical perspective, imagining alternative possibilities, and becoming acquainted with others’ practices.
9. Practice what you preach
Your school’s professional development culture should be driven by the culture you want to see in your classrooms and vice versa. Take collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking. If you want your learners to embrace these skills, then you need to model this in your own professional development.
10. Share challenges and celebrate successes
Remember to schedule regular check-ins and updates. Consider ways of involving the wider community too by sharing developments and achievements with those outside of school – parents, MP’s and other schools. Video can be a powerful collaborative tool and an excellent way of capturing evidence. Utilising social media can also help you to reach a wider audience.
IRIS Connect allows you to record video & audio of your classroom teachings so you can create a positive professional learning culture in your school.